Just like with sleep and diet / nutrition; stress can also affect your skin in many different ways. The stress hormone known as cortisol is responsible for a range of negative health and skin aspects and so we ideally want to minimise this as much as possible. Here are some of the main ways that stress can affect your skin.
Accelerated Ageing: High levels of stress can lessen your skin’s ability to recover, regenerate and rejuvenate itself. One of the main ways it does this is through an essential building block of skin known as collagen. When stressed, your body can respond by slowing the creation process of collagen (especially if the stress is also having a negative impact on your sleep quality and duration). As such with less collagen being produced and working like it usually does, the ageing process is accelerated - resulting in an increase of fine lines and wrinkles along with less firmness and elasticity to your skin.
Inflammation: One other way stress can affect your skin is by causing an increase in inflammation - known also as a ‘flare up’. This can worsen pre-existing skin conditions or even trigger them to develop; such as acne, eczema and even psoriasis. We know that stress is not healthy for our body and it can sometimes react physically with skincare complaints being a physical manifestation of this. Those who do suffer with certain skin conditions often remark how these can worsen and become more intense when they are stressed - such is the link between the two.
Oil Production: An increase in the stress hormone cortisol has been linked to an increase in oil production in the skin too. An increase in oil production (sebum) in the skin has been linked to an increase in skin blemishes too such as acne, blackheads, breakouts and blemishes overall. This can also throw off the balance of your skin and may see you introduce new skincare products into your routine; further changing what your skin is used to. Therefore with this addition of stress hormones, your skin is at risk of undergoing changes that will require extra work and extra time in order to return to normal.
Dr. Nima, one of the founders of Remedi London, recommends: “Reduce stress levels as best as possible because stress leads to an increase in the hormone cortisol which leads to triggering the likes of acne and breakouts. Make some time to relax and unwind if needs be.”
How Does Stress Affect Your Skin?
As you can see, there is a direct correlation between stress and your skin and it is a negative link that you should ideally not want to experience often. Here at Remedi London we offer treatments to help combat bodily and mental stress. This includes the Rebalance Impulse, sound therapy treatments and more.